Hit a button on your phone; garage door opens, house lights go on, the temperature ticks up a few degrees.
Touch another button; the lights and shades go down, curtain rises, the movie starts.
You’re in bed after a long day -- but there’s a light on downstairs and the front door’s not locked. Stay in bed, just hit the ‘bedtime’ on the touchscreen and it’s taken care of. The next morning, you’re woken by the weather report over your speakers or on screen, followed by your favorite music and the smell of fresh ground coffee.
Automation is powerful. Lights, locks, music, movies, sprinklers, security, climate -- virtually anything can be controlled by a good automation system. But the trick is to separate can and should. A commitment to simplicity and consistent operating logic is the credo of Outreach. Decisions on what and whether to automate follow a simple rule here -- does it make your life easier? That we can automate everything doesn’t necessarily mean we should. We look at and listen to how you live, then craft a system that fits.

The Control4 system has tremendous reach - the power to control thousands of devices. All inside a single application that is customized to your life. It works with iPhones and iPads, Android devices, on-wall touchscreens, hard button remotes; whatever works for you. Further, it’s scaleable. For example, you could start with automating your home theater, and later on add lighting, climate control and security. The system is built to grow with you. It’s also among the best values in the automation field; it’s very easy to spend more to get less.

Universal Remote has been making their namesakes as long as anyone. Why mess with several remotes when a single one can do all the work, and the buttons are in the same place regardless of the device being controlled? Handsets by Universal Remote meet our simple but powerful -- ‘does it make you life easier?’ criteria. Their designs reflect years of polish and their reach includes everything from touchscreens to total home control. They are Outreach’s go to brand for hard button remotes among many other products.